Spooktacular Horror and Halloween Chiptunes! A horror-themed Music and SFX Pack

Spooky Chiptunes and Sound effects for your Samhain-Season Sidescrollers and more!

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Included files

License Agreement.txt (893 bytes)
The Cult_BC Player.wav (40 MB)
the Cult_Loop.wav (19 MB)
The Sanitarium_BC Player.wav (40 MB)
The Sanitarium_loop.wav (38 MB)
The Tomb_BC Player.wav (42 MB)
The Tomb_loop.wav (20 MB)
The Tower__BC Player.wav (32 MB)
The Tower__loop_from 0_03.307.wav (17 MB)
The Woods Loop.wav (26 MB)
The Woods_BC Player.wav (52 MB)
The Cult_enhanced stereo reverb mix_BC Player.wav (41 MB)
The Cult_Enhaned Stereo Reverb Mix_loop.wav (19 MB)
The Sanitarium_Enhanced Stereo Reverb Mix_loop.wav (19 MB)
The Sanitarium_Stereo Enhanced Reverb Mix_BC Player.wav (40 MB)
The Tomb_ehanced stereo reverb mix_loop.wav (20 MB)
The Tomb_enhanced stereo reverb mix_BC Player.wav (42 MB)
The Woods_enhanced stereo reverb mix_BC Player.wav (54 MB)
The Woods_enhanced stereo reverb mix_loop.wav (26 MB)
The Cult_Stem_c01.wav (12 MB)
The Cult_Stem_c02.wav (12 MB)
The Cult_Stem_c03.wav (12 MB)
The Cult_Stem_c04.wav (12 MB)
The Sanitarium_Stem_c01.wav (12 MB)
The Sanitarium_Stem_c02.wav (12 MB)
The Sanitarium_Stem_c03.wav (12 MB)
The Tomb_Stem__c01.wav (13 MB)
The Tomb_Stem__c02.wav (13 MB)
The Tomb_Stem__c03.wav (13 MB)
The Tomb_Stem__c04.wav (13 MB)
The Woods_Stem_c01.wav (17 MB)
The Woods_Stem_c02.wav (17 MB)
The Woods_Stem_c03.wav (17 MB)
The Woods_Stem_c04.wav (17 MB)
SFX_Bat 1.wav (171 kB)
SFX_Bat 2.wav (171 kB)
SFX_Cackling Imp.wav (108 kB)
SFX_Crystalline.wav (111 kB)
SFX_Demonic Laugh.wav (510 kB)
SFX_DPCM Wolf Howl.wav (412 kB)
SFX_Dragon.wav (278 kB)
SFX_EKG.wav (167 kB)
SFX_Error.wav (73 kB)
SFX_Owl.wav (272 kB)
SFX_Something in the Bushes.wav (97 kB)
SFX_Sting.wav (208 kB)
SFX_Toad.wav (167 kB)
SFX_Troll.wav (168 kB)
SFX_Wing Flap.wav (189 kB)
SFX_Wisp.wav (180 kB)
SFX_Buzz.wav (603 kB)
SFX_Ghost.wav (367 kB)
SFX_Leaves Rustle in the Wind.wav (554 kB)
SFX_Wailing.wav (445 kB)
Contents.zip (469 MB)

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